Some cool stuff!...
This is some article, in english...
You're mutually oblivious. a root-relative link to unbelievable a file-relative link to unbelievable...
Article 1...
Article 2...
Article 3...
Some content here ! This is a simple title And here comes the cool stuff. >>> from ipdb import set_trace >>> set_trace() → And now try with some utf8 hell: ééé...
Why not ? After all, why not ? It's pretty simple to do it, and it will allow me to write my blogposts in rst ! YEAH !...
Or completely awesome. Depends the needs. a root-relative link to markdown-article a file-relative link to markdown-article Testing sourcecode directive 1formatter = self.options and VARIANTS[self.options.keys()[0]] Testing another case This will now have a line number in 'custom' since it's the default in pelican.conf, it will have nothing in default.
This article overrides the listening of the articles under the baz tag....