1. Unbelievable !

    Or completely awesome. Depends the needs.

    a root-relative link to markdown-article a file-relative link to markdown-article

    Testing sourcecode directive

    formatter = self.options and VARIANTS[self.options.keys()[0]]

    Testing another case

    This will now have a line number in 'custom' since it's the default in pelican.conf, it will have nothing in default.

    formatter = self.options and VARIANTS[self.options.keys()[0]]


    Testing more sourcecode directives

     8def run(self):
    10 try:
    lexer = get_lexer_by_name(self.arguments[0])
    12 except ValueError:
    # no lexer found - use the text one instead of an exception
    14 lexer = TextLexer()

    16 if ('linenos' in self.options and
    self.options['linenos'] not in ('table', 'inline')):
    18 self.options['linenos'] = 'table'

    20 for flag in ('nowrap', 'nobackground', 'anchorlinenos'):
    if flag in self.options:
    22 self.options[flag] = True

    24 # noclasses should already default to False, but just in case...
    formatter = HtmlFormatter(noclasses=False, **self.options)
    26 parsed = highlight('\n'.join(self.content), lexer, formatter)
    return [nodes.raw('', parsed, format='html')]


    Testing even more sourcecode directives

    formatter = self.options and VARIANTS[self.options.keys()[0]]


    Testing overriding config defaults

    Even if the default is line numbers, we can override it here

    formatter = self.options and VARIANTS[self.options.keys()[0]]


    Written by Alexis Métaireau on
  2. The baz tag

    This article overrides the listening of the articles under the baz tag.

    Written by Alexis Métaireau on
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